Dating in afghanistan culture

Dating > Dating in afghanistan culture

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Some parents worry about their children becoming vain and spoiled, but have a difficult time denying their wishes. The lamp shades are unique and much sought after. Or do u know that in the recent years, girls have outnumbered boys in higher education. The Reign of the Jesus: Iran and the Dating in afghanistan culture Revolutionrev. The two famous were destroyed by the Taliban, who regarded them as. Although the Taliban do away with kite racing, at the end of The Kite Runner, we see that this tradition has been preserved within the Afghan community in Hiroshima, and that it is this tradition, in fact, that begins a process of healing for Sohrab. Afghan culture is rich and fascinating, and I have provided you with a link to a web site with more information about it.

Credit: Wikipedia Ideologically, Pakistan is an Islamic State. All other cultural aspects are inspired by Islam. Pakistani culture is highlighted by its grandeur, simplicity, firm convictions and noble deeds and ideas. Here are 11 key traits of Pakistani culture. Religious Uniformity Pakistan came into existence to provide its people with a system based on Islam. The people, in spite of some language differences, customs and traditions commonly follow one religion. Islam is practiced by all Pakistanis. Language A number of languages are spoken in Pakistan. Some of them are Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto and Baluchi. But is spoken and understand in all parts of Pakistan. Being the official language, it is the media of communication between all regions of Pakistan. Literature and Poetry Literature is an important aspect of our cultural life. Most of our poets reflect Islamic code and deliver the message of love and brotherhood. A similarity of thought among poets and writers of all regions is an important factor of our cultural life. Sufis like Lal Shahbaz, Data Ganj Baksh, Shah Abdul Lateef, Sachal Sarmast, Hazrat Sultan Bahu and Waris Shah rendered meritorious services for the spread of Islam in the subcontinent. Dress and Diet Dress is an important manifestation of culture. Regional dresses of Pakistan have undergone changes due to local traditions, economic conditions, and wealth. But in all provinces, people generally wear the traditional dress by Salwar Kameez. The food we consume and social etiquette confirms strictly with. Mixed Culture Pakistani culture is a mixed culture although majority of people are Muslims by birth and faith. However there is great influence of Hindu and British culture on present Pakistani society. Male Dominated Society In Pakistani culture the male member of the family enjoys the key position. The family is headed by a male member and in most cases, he is the sole source of income for other members of the family. Arts and Architecture The iconoclasm of Islam has given a characteristic form and pattern in the use of elegant designs, based on geometric figures and floral forms borrowed from nature. The Shah Jahan Mosque, , Badshahi Mosque, and many such graceful buildings are a living proof of the splendid Mughal architecture. Handicrafts Embroidery, leather works, glazed pottery, woodwork, carpet making, metal crafts, and ivory are the essential parts of our culture. Pakistani craftsmen are considered the best in their craftsmanship. They are known for the high quality works which is very popular in foreign countries. Sports Games like wrestling, hockey, cricket, football, squash etc are popular in every part of our country. These games reflect our cultural identity. Therefore, it is important that the entire curriculum from kindergarten to high school be placed in accordance with the ideology of Pakistan. Religious Festivals Festivals play an important part of our culture. They are celebrated with great happiness throughout the country. Please share this article on , and Saira Ronaq is a writer and graduate student in gender studies at the University of Karachi.

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